Welcome to release drop week!

You may have heard this term in the past by Instructors, Baristas, or even our Fitness Coaches. But, what does it mean?

During release drop week, we refine our Group Fitness schedule to constantly improve the experience and welcome new members to class.

This is also when new music and new moves are introduced to class. So, if you jump into a new class during a release drop week, everyone will be learning a new routine.

Here are the changes we’ve made to our schedules: 


  • Age Restore | West Salem | Fridays at 12:15 PM
  • High Fitness 45 | Keizer | Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:30 PM
  • Age Restore | South River Road | Saturdays at 10:15 AM


  • Pilates Mat | South River Road | Tuesdays and Thursdays to 6:15 PM